
#1206 Gambling #10543 Global Ranking #2943 Ethereum

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blockwar - Gambling dapp on Ethereum

About blockwar

The fox and the owl play the box game together, and the one who folds the highest one will win before the game is over. But the higher the block, the easier it is to increase the risk of collapse. When the number of layers reaches the upper limit, the box collapses, and if the box is block, the other side wins and the game ends. 狐狸和猫头鹰在一起玩叠方块游戏,游戏结束前谁叠得最高谁将获胜。但是方块叠得越高越容易增加倒塌的风险,层数达到上限后方块倒塌,方块如果被叠倒则另一方阵营获胜,游戏结束。

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