KyberSwap Elastic

#12 Exchanges #169 Global Ranking #23 Multichain

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About KyberSwap Elastic

KyberSwap is the best place to trade and earn on networks such as Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Avalanche, and Fantom; you can get the best rates for your token swaps and earn more with your token assets.

As DeFi's first multi-chain Dynamic Market Maker and the main protocol in Kyber's liquidity hub, KyberSwap is both a decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator and a liquidity source with capital-efficient liquidity pools that earns fees for liquidity providers. KyberSwap allows anyone to convert tokens directly from their wallet in an instant, convenient and secure way. We are commited to providing:

1. Best rates for traders

2. Best returns/yields for Liquidity Providers (LPs)

3. Better reliability and security

4. Fully permissionless

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