Liebi Pool - IOST

#47 Other #1518 Global Ranking #3 Iost

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About Liebi Pool - IOST

1. A new way to participate in PoS Stake 2. Mining in seconds, automatically generating compound interest 3. No need to lock the position, free trade Stake Token 4. Decentralized execution of contracts, secure and transparent management of assets, all transactions can be checked on the blockchain, contract code has been open source 1、一种全新的 PoS Stake 参与方式 2、按秒挖矿,自动产生复利 3、无需锁仓,矿权自由交易 4、去中心化链上操作,安全透明的管理资产,所有账目链上可查,合约代码均已开源

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