
#2764 High-risk #3340 Global Ranking #725 Polygon

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MaticGains - High-risk dapp on Polygon

About MaticGains - Launching Shortly in polygon network

Quick Gains plan

Daily 16% 7 days 112%

Principal Included

Long gains plan

Daily 3% 90 days 270%

Principal Included

Minimum 5 Matic

Maximum: No limit

Referral commission - 5%

Seed revenue - 10%

What is Seed revenue ?

Seed revenue is referred to revenue generated in real time over your referral dividends.

If You refer A and A invested 100 matic in 16% plan . You will get daily 10% on his 16% revenue that is 1.6 matic

If A invested 100 matic in 2% plan. You will get daily 10% on his 2% revenue that is 0.20 Matic

Reinvest Bonus

Daily Reinvest your earnings and get 5% reinvest bonus on your reinvest amount.

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